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United Response to COVID-19

NPHC Metro Richmond takes seriously the health of its members and the community it serves. In keeping with the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention COVID-19 guidance to avoid large gatherings and social distance to flatten the curve of Coronavirus 2019 spread, the March general body meeting and virtual general body meetings will be held through April and May. NPHC Metro Richmond leadership is evaluating the feasibility of events scheduled for June, as well as how to be of service in this time that we must physically be apart.

Message from NPHC Metro Richmond President, Freeman Chavis:

"I want to first take the time to say that I pray that you all are taking the necessary steps to ensure that you and your families are safe during these uncertain times. It is my top priority that we ensure that each member of the Council is safe. This COVID-19 virus will change the direction in which we interact with each other and how we will operate the Council moving forward. Now, make no mistake about this, we still have the responsibility to our families and communities to ensure that we are doing everything we can to make our communities better during this time of confusion.

In the days to come, we will be utilizing all of our resources to ensure that your chapters get updated information. Our process will also be formatted to ensure that NPHCMR business can be addressed and chapter representation can be acknowledged. In the meantime, we ask that you all will be patient as we are learning to adjust to a new way of living. I’m sure that as we get the updates from our National and State governments, it is up to each one of us to make sure that we are staying together. We will make it together if we continue to remember that are strongest days are ahead of us. I am so thankful for all the work that you will continue to do."


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